7-13-21: US DOL Releases Final WH-347 Form
The WH-347 form was set to expire on 4/30/2021, however, the U.S. Department of Labor issued 3 temporary Form WH-347 Revisions before releasing the final version for use.
The expiration date is the ONLY major thing that has changed - the new expiration date of this form is 07/31/2024.
How this impacts you:
New trial users:
When you request a trial of the Certified Payroll Solution program, the WH-347 form will be automatically included and have the most current expiration date.
Users requesting a trial prior to today (7/13/21):
During your evaluation of the software, you will have the WH-347 Form with one of the OLDER temporary expiration dates. Upon your purchase of the program, you will then be required to update the program to receive the temporary version. (See instructions below)
Existing customers (with an ACTIVE Annual Maintenance plan) will need to update the Certified Payroll Solution software:
Obtaining a software update is quite simple. Follow these steps:
- Start Certified Payroll Solution (CPS)
- From the Help menu --> choose Check for Updates
- A browser window will open the Web Service Center --> click the button that says "Download Current CPS Setup/Installation"
- Run through the program's installation wizard
- Repeat this process on each computer where the CPS software is installed
Existing customers without an Active Annual Maintenance plan:
You will receive an Authentication Failed error message, and will need to contact us to reinstate your program maintenance.
Also included in this update:
- Alaska AASHTO electronic filing - pdf documentation available (2.33 MB)
- Tennessee AASHTO electronic filing - documentation available soon in the Web Service Center where you download the update
- Illinois DOL Electronic upload - minor corrections
- Rhode Island - new State certified payroll report
- Ohio - new Ohio State University Form
- Ability to redact printing of employee SSN & Address on ANY printed certified payroll report
- Ability to force printing of certified payroll reports on legal sized paper
Special Announcements:
- New WH-347 form Expires 1/31/2028
- Compatibility with New Jersey Wage Hub CSV Upload
- New California DIR Website
- QuickBooks Desktop 2021 software will be discontinued
- Why We Aren't Compatible With QuickBooks Online
- Can I run your software on Right Networks?
- Compatibility for AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload for Connecticut DOT Released.
- Alaska Department of Labor-LLS Online Certified Payroll Update
- Nevada DOT AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload Available
- Upgraded to QuickBooks 2023/2024 and having issues?