Illinois DOL Certified Payroll Portal Upload Compatibility
Certified Payroll Solution for QuickBooks is now compatible with the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) Certified Transcript of Payroll Portal. Quickly and easily complete the Certified Transcript of Payroll import template (xls) and the Fringe Benefit Affidavit (docx) files provided by Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL). Electronic upload/submission requirements begin 9/1/2020. Paper reports will no longer be accepted.
Beginning today, new users (including trial users) will find this compatibility built right into the software.
Existing customers with active Maintenance (have been notified) will need to download & install the latest version of the software in order to access and utilize this update.
Existing customers without Maintenance will need to reinstate their maintenance contract before they are able to access and utilize this update.
NOTE: Updates such as this one part of our Annual Maintenance and is provided at no additional charge.
The Certified Transcript of Payroll import template has several very strict formatting rules - if the data is not entered exactly as specified the system will generate an error and you will not be able to continue.
Complete step-by-step instructions are found in this document Help Document (3.02 MB) - it has not yet been incorporated into the In-Program Help file.
NOTE: We have been working closely with the Chief Information Officer at Illinois DOL since June.
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