What kind of Support & Training is Available?
FREE training is available through the use of comprehensive
which will walk you through the set-up, step-by-step.
Support and Training are entirely separate issues in our opinion; so first, we'll provide you with our definitions:
Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc. defines Technical Support as "Knowledgeable people assisting the users of our software products." Our software programs have been designed to be very user friendly and straightforward - requiring that you only enter information that QuickBooks is incapable of holding, and "teaching" the program about your company, and how you operaate. Therefore, our technical support services have been designed to help you solve a specific problem that you are having with a product - rather than providing training, customization, or other training servcies (such as, QuickBooks training, training new employees, or what is really considered to be IT Services/Computer Consulting) - so, the word "assisting" in this definition is extremely important.
- If you call us and we have to "teach" you to use our software, "walk you" through setup, which has been documented in the "Training Demonstrations" or found in the manual/in-program Help, train new employees sthat you hire, or provide QuickBooks training - that is, indeed, considered training - and is billable to you. (See the Paid Training section of our Support, Training & Maintenance Policy)
- If you call us and we help you with an error code or problem, you have with our software, answer a specific question that you have about setup, or listen to your feedback about our software - that is considered "technical support."
All training is provided through written documentation found in our manual and in-program helpl (accessed from each window in the program) AND Audio Videos - provided free of charge.
NOTE: the manual provides you with step-by-step instructions for utilizing the different overtime setups that we have found.
Telephone/email training will require you to purchase a training session.
Support is provided ONLY for diagnosing program errors and/or message windows.
Sunburst support reps do not have first hand knowledge of overtime laws in all 50 states; therefore, any setup/training issues not specifically mentioned above will require the purchase of a paid training session.
Special Announcements:
- New WH-347 form Expires 1/31/2028
- Compatibility with New Jersey Wage Hub CSV Upload
- New California DIR Website
- QuickBooks Desktop 2021 software will be discontinued
- Why We Aren't Compatible With QuickBooks Online
- Can I run your software on Right Networks?
- Compatibility for AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload for Connecticut DOT Released.
- Alaska Department of Labor-LLS Online Certified Payroll Update
- Nevada DOT AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload Available
- Upgraded to QuickBooks 2023/2024 and having issues?