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Folder Construction Application for Payment FREE Training

This section contains FREE self-paced Construction Application for Payment Solution (CAPS) Audio/Video training using .mp4 videos. All items are designed to provide a thorough overview to setting up and using Construction Application for Payment Solution to generate your Percentage of Completion Contract Billings.

The most important videos to watch are:

  • Video #2 - Construction Application for Payment Solution - Download, Installation, Granting Permissions to access QuickBooks data, and Initial Setup
  • Video #3 - Construction Application for Payment Solution - Customizing your billing forms
  • Video #4 - Construction Application for Payment Solution -  QuickBooks Setup Video
  • Video #5 - Running CAPS and creating billings

We have found that customers who take advantage of these FREE Training mechanisms are much happier with their software, as they actually get to "see the program in action" while the setup procedures are explained and demonstrated.

These training modules can also be found on our Web Service Center (where you download your software). 

Screenshots shown in the videos may differ slightly from the actual screens you see in the program, however, setup instruction remain the same. Please realize that we spend approximately 250 hours of our time creating these videos that are available here, therefore, it is not an easy task to keep them updated.



video 1. Intro-HOW Does Construction Application for Payment Solution work and WHAT does it do? Popular

By 1832 downloads

This video provides a detailed general overview of how the program works.

Duration - 26 minutes


0:00  Introduction

2:25  WHAT does CAPS do?

5:51  HOW does CAPS Work?

8:05  What information does CAPS read from QuickBooks?

12:05  What information does CAPS store?

24:52  Conclusion - Trials, Pricing, etc.

video 2. Download, Installation, Granting Permissions to access QuickBooks data, and Initial Setup Popular

By 761 downloads

This video provides step-by-step instructions for how to download the CAPS program electronically, installing the software to your computer, granting CAPS permission to access your QuickBooks data, and setting up your initial billing preferences and defaults.

Duration:  28 minutes

Highlights - simply advance the video to these times:

0:00  Downloading & installing CAPS

6:26  Avoid a Windows/QuickBooks permission bug when granting CAPS permissions to access QuickBooks

9:44  Licensing CAPS

11:01  Default installation location of the CAPS Data folder

12:08  Granting permissions for CAPS to access QuickBooks data

14:08  Setting up your default billing preferences in CAPS

15:24  Setting up Architects & Engineers

16:27 Setting up Job Billing Preferences

20:21  Setting up Job Printing Preferences

22:58  Adding in-house Notary Information

24.49  Overrides

25:00  Adding your company logo


video 3. Customizing your billing forms Popular

By 745 downloads

A complete step-by-step video about how to customize your billing forms and how to create a new form from one of our existing templates.

Duration - 36 minutes


00:00  Introduction

 2:38  Where to access the form customization module

 3:42  Starting the forms customization process

 4:42  Getting familiar with our templates

12:54  Choosing a form template to customize

14:33  Marking up the template with the changes you want to make

16:17  Customizing & creating a new form

25:46  Dealing with the "It appears that Excel is running" message

29:53  A quick run through of creating a new form, without all the explanations

video 4. CAPS QuickBooks Setup Video Popular

By 991 downloads

Whether your brand new to using QuickBooks or a long-time user, please watch this video to learn about the information that CAPS "expects" to find in QuickBooks, to accurately generate your billings.  Approximately 90-95% of your billing information comes directly from your QuickBooks data.

Duration - 32 minutes

Highlights - 

 0:00  Intro

 1:14  How CAPS uses your QuickBooks data

 2:22  QuickBooks Preferences CAPS relies on

 4:32  Your QuickBooks Items List

 8:14  QuickBooks Group Items - Create Estimates faster

10:51  Creating Items for Change Orders or Extra Work Orders

12:01  Customer & Job setup

13:18  Additional info to add to QuickBooks Job Records for CAPS

17:50  Creating Estimates

20:58  Creating Progress Invoices

24:45 Handling Retainage in QuickBooks

25:19  Handling Change Orders in QuickBooks

27:56  Things that will TOTALLY mess up your billings!

video 5. Running CAPS and creating billings Popular

By 862 downloads

An overview of running your first set of billings and the creation of one-time linked records in the CAPS program to hold additional information about your project that QuickBooks has no means of tracking.  Step-by-step instructions for three different situations you might encounter.

Duration - 39 minutes


 0:00  Introduction

 2:46  How CAPS works

 4:23  Running CAPS - the first invoice on a brand-new job

18:14  Running CAPS - when a Change Order is approved before you do your first billing

27:05  Running CAPS - when picking up in the middle of a job

video 6. Working with & using the CAPS Contract Forms Manager Popular

By 871 downloads

The CAPS Contract Forms Manager allows you to create generic or custom Lien Waiver and Releases.  This video provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the Contract Forms Manager and covers three different ways of creating custom Lien Waiver and Release templates and then how to use those standard template for multiple jobs.  We've even included a handy cheat sheet that references where each of the document variables included in the program mean and where they come from.  Download that here.

Duration - 48 minutes


 0:00  Intro - working with Microsoft Word macros.  Do this first to avoid errors

 1:09 Twelve states that require their own Lien Waiver forms

 4:48  Getting to know the Contract Forms Manager

15:39  Intro to creating custom lien waivers

17:53 How to create a custom form from something already in a Word document

33:01  How to create a custom form from text copied from a web page

39:45  How to create a custom form from a .pdf file

47:47  Finding your Contract Forms