Thank you for requesting a free 30 day trial
Thank you for requesting a Free 30-day trial of our software!
Please print this page for future reference, as it contains important information about your FREE 30-Day Trial.
Your request is currently being sent to Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc.
- Human intervention is required to process your request.
- You will receive an email from us shortly containing your trial license information, as well as a link to download the program(s) you have requested.
- Frequently these emails get diverted to your spam or junkmail folders, so if you do not see the email in your normal InBox, please, check your spam or junkmail folder.
- During normal business hours (Monday - Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST) this process takes no longer than 1 hour.
- We will honor all legitimate requests for a free trial - a "legitimate request" constitutes a completed request form that contains verifiable information about you and your company; indicating that you are indeed a valid business owner within the United States.
FREE Training:
We realize that each of our potential customers have their own unique way in which they like to learn how to use new software programs that they are interested in acquiring. We have done our best to accommodate each and everyone of you by offering a variety of ways in which to learn how to use our software - Audio/Video training, self-paced training, extensive manuals, in-program Help, and paid training.
The following Audio/Video Training links are also available in our Web Service Center, where you will be downloading your trial version of the software, in our extensive Training, Support & Resource Area!, and once the program is installed; these same videos will be available by going to the Help menu -> On the Web -> Online Training.
folder folder Certified Payroll Solution Training Videos- |
- Certified Payroll Solution - Download & Installation Video - Provides a complete overview of how to download the Certified Payroll Solution (CPS) program from our Web Service Center, save it to the hard drive of your computer and install it. Includes discussion of Windows Vista/Windows 7 technical support calls and how to avoid them. 12 minutes.
- Certified Payroll Solution - Initial Setup Video - Walks you through entering your license information, granting CPS permission to access your QuickBooks Company file, and the initial setup of CPS; including various certified payroll reporting preferences which are not handled by QuickBooks. 27 minutes.
- Certified Payroll Solution - QuickBooks Setup Video - A review of your QuickBooks company file setup and the information that CPS "expects" to find there in order to generate accurate reports. Recommended even if you have been using QuickBooks for a long time. 25 minutes.
- Certified Payroll Solution - Running Certified Payroll Solution Video - An overview of running your first set of certified payroll reports and the creation of one-time linked records to store additional information that QuickBooks has no means of tracking; but is required on the final reports. This demonstrates the setup of the Federal WH-347 form, used at one time or another in all 50 states, while providing a good overview of how the program works for all other states. 30 minutes.
folder Construction Application for Payment FREE Training |
- Construction Application for Payment Solution - Download, Installation, Granting Permissions to access QuickBooks data, and Initial Setup Video - - This video provides step-by-step instructions for how to download the Construction Application for Payment Solution (CAPS) program electronically from our Web Service Center, save it to the hard drive of your computer, and install the program. How to grant permissions within QuickBooks that allows CAPS to access your QuickBooks data, and setting up your initial billing preferences and defaults. 28 minutes.
- Construction Application for Payment Solution - Customizing your billing forms - - A complete step-by-step video about how to customize your billing forms and how to create a new form from one of our existing templates. 36 minutes.
- Construction Application for Payment Solution - QuickBooks Setup Video - - A review of your QuickBooks company file setup and the information that CAPS "expects" to find there in order to accurate generate your billings. Includes a section on making QuickBooks track retainage. Recommended even if you have been using QuickBooks for a long time. 32 minutes.
- Construction Application for Payment Solution - Running CAPS and creating billings - - An overview of running your first set of billings and the creation of one-time linked records in the CAPS program to hold additional information about your project that QuickBooks has no means of tracking. 39 minutes.
Crew/Overtime Entry FREE Training |
- Crew/Overtime Entry Solution - QuickBooks Setup Video -- Before you attempt to use Crew/Overtime Entry to process weighted=average overtime calculations for your QuickBooks timesheets you to need to MAKE SURE that your QuickBooks file is properly setup so that Crew?Overtime Entry can do it's job accurately. 16 minutes.
- Crew/Overtime Entry Solution - Initial Setup Video - - This video will teach you how to teach Crew/Overtime Entry how to ACCURATELY calculate weighted-average overtime (or standard overtime) according to the laws of your state. 19 minutes.
- Crew/Overtime Entry Solution - Linking Crew/Overtime Entry with QuickBooks - - This video covers key elements such as accessing your QuickBooks data file, granting Crew/Overtime permission to work with your data, posting paid time off, setting up & linking wages, and using the program to post wage rates and employee time to QuickBooks. 30 minutes.
- Running Crew/Overtime Entry Solution - - This video covers key elements of running the Crew/Overtime Entry program for the first time. From entering your QuickBooks timesheets to manually checking the accuracy by performing the weighted-average overtime calculations as a "check". 21 minutes.
- Crew Setup & Crew Time Entry - This is the final video in our Crew/Overtime Entry Solution training series, and the LAST step that you should complete. In this video we'll learn about creating "crews or groups" of employees, assigning employees to groups, entering time by group, by job, and by day and posting that information back to QuickBooks Weekly Timesheets - you can enter time for hundreds of employees with just a few clicks of your mouse. At the end of the week, retrieve these timesheets from QuickBooks to have overtime/weighted-average overtime automatically calculated - with the revised timesheets posting back to QuickBooks --- leaving you to process payroll. 25 minutes.
It is highly recommended that you watch the audio/video training, as they will answer most of your questions and alleviate the feeling of "ok, now I have it - what do I do with it" feeling that often occurs when evaluating new software.
If none of the above mentioned training methods appeal to you, you can purchase a 1, 2, or 4-hour training contract with a Sunburst Support Representative from our order page.
Some important things that you should know about your trial version:
- These are fully functional versions of the program.
- Reports and billing may not be suitable for filing, as they do include a "demonstration" watermark.
- The "Print on AIA Forms" option in Construction Application for Payment Solution has been disabled; meaning that you can only print the "plain paper" version with the watermark.
- The "Save to File" option in Construction Application for Payment Solution has been disabled.
- This trial has date limitations! You will be able to generate plain paper AIA-style billings, contract documents, certified payroll reports, EEOC reports, and benefit reports for a date range that is 30 days prior to and 30 days after today's date - providing you with ample means to fully evaluate the software.
- Free Trials do not expire, provided you work within the original 60 day window of time.
- Wage Manager Solution will not write changes back to QuickBooks.
- Purchasing the program will grant you your own valid company license, allow you to install the program on multiple computers under that single license, remove watermarks, remove date limitations, and enable you to keep the data that you have already setup up.
- A manual, in .pdf format, will be installed with the program, accessed via an icon on your desktop.
- In-program help will be available from each screen by clicking the question mark (?) in the lower right corner of each screen.
- Support is gladly provided, we simply ask that you take the time to go through the training demonstrations because they will answer your setup questions (or purchase a training contract); prior to contacting Technical Support. See our Support, Training & Maintenance Policy.